A Great Idea Deserves
a Sticker!

Our sticker has the same image as above (it's a full circle of green background although some devices display it with the top and bottom parts missing).
The sticker is 2 7/8 inches in diameter and costs us $.25 per sticker to obtain from the supplier.
We have a "stickership" fund that enables us to provide stickers for free to egalitarians who want to use them to help build the egalitarian revolutionary movement. Please contact us by email to discuss receiving stickers for free; put "stickers" in the subject line and include your postal address (where to send the stickers) in the message. If you wish to donate you can write a check made out to me, John Spritzler, and mail it to me at 114 Strathmore Rd. #101, Brighton, MA 02135 USA.
To get stickers from PDR or to contribute to PDR's "stickership fund" please email us at PeopleforDemocraticRevolution@gmail.com saying what you'd like to do; put "stickers" in the subject line. You may also use any commercial button-making company (just do an online search for "buttons") to obtain these PDR stickers by just sending them the sticker's image as a PDF file and buying the stickers directly from that company. A link to the PDR sticker's PDF file is at the very bottom (where its a black background) of every page on this website.
Wearing this sticker is a terrific way to discover that other people very enthusiastically agree with it. You'll find out, as we have over and over again, that the person who rings up your groceries in the supermarket or items at a drug store, the person who sits next to you on a bus or subway, your bank teller (not the ATM!), and all sorts of people you might not ever have expected to have egalitarian revolutionary aspirations--do! They'll read the sticker and their face will light up in pleasant surprise and they'll say, "I love it!" That's when you can ask them if they'd like a sticker, and give them one and call their attention to the "PDRBoston.org" website.
Additionally, the more people who display the sticker, the more evident it will become to more and more people that in having egalitarian revolutionary aspirations we are not alone. In this way, the button supplements the signatures for "This I Believe." So consider getting stickers to hand out to others. It's fun, and it helps build the revolutionary movement.