Yes! "Green liberty advances Radical Democracy Plank for State and National Green Parties"
This implements the strategy for building the egalitarian revolutionary movement; you can help it succeed
There is a caucus (of which I am a member) inside the Green Party USA that aims to make this party explicitly advocate making the United States be an egalitarian society no longer based on class inequality. If you live inside the United States I encourage you to help this effort by going to the Green Liberty Caucus website (from which the following Democracy Plank text comes) and also by joining the Green Party state organization for your state. If you live outside the United States I encourage you to do the analogous thing where you live in any organization there you are a member of. The Green Liberty Caucus is a project of the Green Liberty organization whose website is here.
Green liberty advances Radical Democracy Plank for State and National Green Parties
In Solidarity with Egalitarian Vision for Grass Roots Democracy; States and US Green Party should Adopt Plank
Green Liberty Caucus is in solidarity with an Egalitarian vision as advanced by John Spritzler and Murray Bookchin for what grass roots democracy ultimately looks like. But in our struggle we will go through a transition from what we are now, today, to what we want to become. This Democracy Plank is an aspiration that will take generations to accomplish (maybe less), so we should not miss seeing the forest for the trees. This plank envisions a post-capitalist society; it is an end goal. It will take a lot or work, municipal practice, and education to accomplish, which is the purpose of the Green Party. Our candidates should lead on vision for a better society. Endorse this plank and install in state and GP US platforms.
Democracy [plank]
The Green Party is opposed to class inequality; it is opposed to there being a small class of very rich people who, because money is power, have the real power and use it to keep their unjust enormous wealth, power and privilege, and use it to treat regular people like dirt to keep them at the bottom of a very unequal society, and use it to pit people against each other for divide-and-rule with lies and manipulation. The Green Party is for making our society one that is not based on class inequality.
Greens will insist that only those who oppose class inequality and who say there should be no rich and no poor and who want society to be shaped by the values of mutual aid and fairness and truth (henceforth referred to as egalitarians) should have the right to participate in government because the aim of government is to shape society by these egalitarian values and aims; that allowing people with the opposite values and aims to partake in government would be as foolish as allowing arsonists to be employed by a fire department. This is the way to have real, not fake, democracy.
Greens will insist that sovereign authority in any given local community rest in a local assembly that democratically makes the only laws that all people in the local community must obey, and that all adult egalitarians living or working in the local community, and only they, have the right to participate as equals in the local assembly.
Greens will insist that the economy be based not on buying and selling things and services nor on wage labor nor on any labor except labor performed by people with equal formal decision-making status in the enterprise, with wealth shared on the principle of “From each according to reasonable ability, to each according to need or reasonable desire with scarce things equitably rationed according to need” and with the local assembly of egalitarians having the final say regarding the use of resources in the local community.
Greens will insist that order and cooperation on a larger than local scale be based on voluntary federation of local communities, i.e., mutual agreements between local assemblies and not on commands from any non-local authority.
Supporting articles:
“Why Have No Rich and No Poor? To Stop the Rich from Treating Us, the Have-Nots, Like Dirt.”
“Why Only Egalitarians Can Make Laws”
“Why Should Laws Only Be Made By Local Assemblies?”
“Real Life Voluntary Federation”
“What Is an Egalitarian Economy?”
“Why Abolish the Use of Money?”
“What Makes a Government Legitimate?”
“How Can Abuse of Power Be Prevented?”
Can we vote the rich out of power?
No, we can’t vote the rich out of power. But the more organizations—be they electoral parties or labor unions or athletic associations or churches or even knitting circles or choirs—that explicitly advocate egalitarian revolution, the more it will help the vast majority of people who already today would love an egalitarian revolution gain confidence that they ARE the vast majority in this aspiration and not the hopelessly tiny minority that the ruling class works so hard (read how here) to make us believe we are. This is what will make it possible to remove the rich from power despite the military forces the ruling class uses to stay in power, as I discuss in “How We CAN Remove the Rich from Power.”
The Green Liberty Caucus is implementing the strategy for removing the rich from power that I have been urging my readers to carry out, even—initially—as just one individual, here.